
The formation of the Impact E-Governance Group is under the context in which more companies than ever incorporate the concept of CSR into their operational strategies. These companies rely on varied data to measure CSR, and the most commonly used indicator is Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). In other words, ESG can be an analysis tool for developing specific sustainability investment options. However, little research on CSR currently applies big data and artificial intelligence. Given that enterprises disclose a bulk of ESG-related information, utilizing data and using text exploration in CSR and ESG data analysis helps seize opportunities in this research field and opens up a new arena for research. The Impact E-Governance Group expresses interest in various CSR-related issues, including text analysis of CSR reports; ESG-related data collection and analysis; and CSR public opinion analysis. All Impact E-Governance Group members are experienced scholars in fields like big data and artificial intelligence and also authors of papers in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Journal of Business Research, Tourism Management, Information & Management, and other top journals recommended by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Among them, Professor Hsu, Ping-yu and Professor Tsai, Chih-Fong are Distinguished Professors of the National Central University, and the latter currently serves as a member of the Review Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The Impact E-Governance Group will focus on the text exploration of the GRI guidelines, CSR report data analysis and company performance analysis, sustainability trend and thematic analysis, and dialogue between social media and CSR.
