影響力週 (12/11-12/16)
SDG Impact Week



🚀✨ 2023 SDG Impact Week即將登場!🌍🌟 限量名額等你來報名
「SDG Impact Week」將在2023年12月11日於國立中央大學展開為期一週的活動,此活動特邀請亞洲地區7個國家共20位以上各領域專家學者一起參加,聚焦於影響力衡量與管理及永續領導力,以促進實現永續發展目標SDGs所需要的可行性與合作關係為目的。
「SDG Impact Week」活動中包含《亞洲影響力管理評論(Asian Impact Measurement Review,AIMR)》最新一期秋冬誌發表會、「2023永續領導與影響力管理國際研討會(International Conference on Sustainability Leadership and Impact Management)」,以及「尤努斯獎:第八屆社會創新與創業競賽─決賽」,多元豐富活動等你來參加,深入了解並推動永續發展目標(SDGs)。🌱

👉  亞洲影響力管理評論(Asian Impact Measurement Review,AIMR)秋冬誌發表會
活動時間|13:30-15:50 (現場僅開放10名名額)
線上參與|14:00-15:50 (同步開放線上參加,截止日期後將統一Email提供會議室連結)
活動地點|國立中央大學管理學院二館I1-222室 (桃園市中壢區中大路300號)


活動地點|國立中央大學管理學院二館I1-018、 I1-006室



✅ 公務人員身分者,獲得「全國公務人員學習時數」
✅ 高中教師身分者,獲得「全國教師在職進修網核定研習時數」
✅ 高中職學生身分,獲得亞洲影響力衡量與管理研究總中心「學習歷程檔案出席與時數證明」
✅ 中大學生身分者,獲得「服務學習時數」

活動聯絡|影響力副理 林千惠 Ava Lin
聯絡電話|03-422-7151 分機 66020
E-mail    |aiimm@g.ncu.edu.tw
Web        |https://aiimm.mgt.ncu.edu.tw
🍀協辦單位:中央研究院永續科學中心,Future Earth Taipei
🚀✨ Register for 2023 SDG Impact Week Now!
The 2023 SDG Impact Week is a groundbreaking event set to unfold from December 11th to 16th, 2023, to foster actionable insights and collaborations for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This week-long assembly convenes over 20 experts and practitioners across various sectors from 7 countries in Asia. It is structured around key events focusing on impact measurement and management, and sustainability leadership.
SDG Impact Week includes the Asian Impact Management Review (AIMR) Winter Issue Debut Dialogue, the 2023 International Conference on Sustainability Leadership and Impact Management, and the Yunus Prize: 8th Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
The Asian Impact Measurement Review 2023 Winter Issue Debut Dialogue marks the debut of the Winter Issue of the Asian Impact Measurement Review (AIMR) for 2023. The session will foster dialogue surrounding the latest findings, trends, and insights published in the review. Four discussion panels featuring four contributors will cover different topics, such as creating a common language for impact assessment, Japan’s latest impact investment trends, the transition from impact measurement to managing for impact, and the regional influence of impact investments.
On December 15th, the 2023 International Conference on Sustainability Leadership and Impact Management unites sustainability experts to explore and advance sustainable development and impact measurement and management strategies. It discusses sustainable development and R&D innovation, environmental impact, social entrepreneurship, and impact measurement. Attendees will deepen their understanding of sustainability agendas, technological innovations, and environmental strategies, aligning their efforts with the SDGs.
The final round of the 8th Yunus Prize will be held on December 16th. The Asian Impact Management Review 2023 Winter Issue Debut Dialogue will also take place. On that day, Mark Yeh, the Regional Head of Northeast Asia at AVPN, will be present at the event to share valuable insights. This competition, which commenced in September this year, saw 37 teams from the social enterprise and social impact categories make it to the finals after participating in training workshops and preliminary selections. During the finals, these teams will present their social enterprise business models that adhere to international standards and share their organizations’ social impact reports.

SDG Impact Week Agenda

👉  December 11, 2023 (Monday) 13:30-15:50
Asian Impact Management Review 2023 Winter Issue Debut Dialogue
Venue: School of Management, Building 2, Room: I1-222(EMBA), Second floor

👉  December 15, 2023 (Friday) 09:00-17:20
2023 International Conference on Sustainability Leadership and Impact Management
Venue: School of Management, Building 2, First floor, Room: I1-117, I1-018

👉  December 16, 2023 (Saturday) 08:50-18:00
Yunus Prize: 8th Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Venue: School of Management, Building 2, B1 floor, Room: I1-006, I1-018

❗️Important notes❗️
Registration Fee | Free
Event Format | Entirely in English
Registration Deadline | Before 1:00 PM on December 8, 2023 (Friday)!
Benefits: NCU Students can earn Service-Learning Hours

📳 Contact organizers
Asian Institute of Impact Measurement and Management

Ava Lin
Phone: 03-422-7151#66020
E-mail    | aiimm@g.ncu.edu.tw
Web       |https://aiimm.mgt.ncu.edu.tw

🍀 Sponsor: National Science and Technology Council
🍀 Organizers: Asian Institute of Impact Measurement and Management, National Central University School of Management, National Central University Business Administration
🍀 Partners: Center for Sustainability Science, Future Earth Taipei