The Environmental Impact Group comprises well-established scholars in corporation governance-related fields who explore corporate social responsibility (CSR) and other critical issues. The gap between Taiwan and European and American countries in ESG-related research and practice remains, in terms of data quality, research depth and breadth. The formation of this Group is under the context in which the Taiwan government vigorously promotes ESG-related information disclosure and encourages local scholars to compete and cooperate with internationally-renowned experts on cutting-edge issues. Focusing on the perspectives of the CEO, board of directors, investors, labourers, and other stakeholders, the Environmental Impact Group expresses interest in what effects of personal characteristics of the CEO and board members have on corporation governance; how institutional investors evaluate and promote the ESG quality of target companies; and how to tell whether, and to which extent, Taiwanese corporations value investors or stakeholders from their sustainability reports. The Environmental Impact Group members are experienced authors of research papers in top international journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Financial Management, and some others. Also, have they long looked into issues concerning the Asia-Pacific region and domestic-related matters. In the future, the Environmental Impact Group will focus on stakeholders’ personal characteristics, culture and corporate decision-making; research on ESG investment in the Asia Pacific and Taiwan; and the combination of data analysis and impact assessment of sustainability report in Taiwan.