杜可婷 助理教授

☎:03-4227151 ext. 66155



國立臺灣科技大學 企業管理系 博士






1. 經理人的個人價值對國家文化與經理人反社會行為之關係的中介效果分析(2019-2020)


1. Tuliao, K. V.*, Chen, C. W., & Wu, T. Y. (2020), Perceived institutional importance, organizational norms, and organizational citizenship behavior: Insights from a multilevel assessment of the institutional anomie theory. The Journal of Social Psychology, 160(5), 624-643. (SSCI, 2019 Impact Factor: 1.241).

2. Tuliao, K. V*., Chen, C. W., & Yeh, Y. J. (2020), Cross‐national assessment of the effects of income level, socialization process, and social conditions on employees’ ethics. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(2), 333-347. (SSCI, 2019 Impact Factor: 2.919).

3. Chen, C. W.*, Yu, H.H., Tuliao, K. V., Simha, A., Chang, Y. Y. (In press), Value Orientations and Ethics: A Cross-National Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04254-0. (SSCI, 2019 Impact Factor: 4.141).

4. Tuliao, K. V.*, & Chen, C. W. (2019), Economy and supervisors’ ethical values: Exploring the mediating role of noneconomic institutions in a cross-national test of institutional anomie theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(3), 823-838. (SSCI, 2019 Impact Factor: 4.141).