
影響力五面向 / Five dimensions of impact

定義 / Definition

由超過 2000 名參與影響力管理專案( Impact Management Project)的執業師所開發。五個面向代表一組管理問題,回答這些問題有助充分了解個別影響力並在不同影響力間進行比較或選擇。這些問題攸關進行影響測量和管理時所需的數據與量測方法。

  1. 什麼: 在此期間發生了什麼成果?以門檻為基準,成果是正向抑或負向?成果對人們(或地球)有多重要?
  2. 誰:誰體驗到成果?受影響的利害關係人是否未獲得充分的照顧(將基線與成果門檻進行比較時)?
  3. 多少:成果的變化為何?多少人經歷轉變?轉變會持續多久?
  4. 貢獻:改變是否無論如何皆會發生?
  5. 風險:影響未按預期發生對人類和地球的風險為何?

Developed by a community of over 2000 practitioners through the Impact Management Project. The Five Dimensions represent a set of management questions that, when answered, help fully understand an individual impact and compare or choose between different impacts. These questions guide measurement and the data requirements for impact measurement and management (see Impact data categories below).

  1. What – What outcome level is occurring in the period? Is it positive or negative relative to an outcome threshold? How important is the outcome to the people (or planet) experiencing it?
  2. Who – Who experiences the outcome? How underserved are the affected Stakeholders in relation to the outcome (when comparing the baseline to the outcome threshold)?
  3. How much – What is the change in outcome? For how many people? And for how long does it last?
  4. Contribution – Would the change likely have happened anyway?
  5. Risk – What is the risk to people and planet that impact does not occur as expected?

出處 / Source
Impact Frontiers (2022). Five Dimensions of Impact. https://impactfrontiers.org/norms/five-dimensions-of-impact/