Prof. Ping-Yu Hsu

☎:03-4227151 ext. 66168


Education Background

美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 資訊科學系 博士

Research Field


Data Mining

Business Intelligence

Enterprise Resource Planning

Periodical Article

1. 張育瑋、許秉瑜、楊清淼、洪吟芳 (2020). 影響雲端ERP系統轉換意願之因素:社會影響和創新擴散之觀點. 電子商務學報, (TSSCI)

2. Wen XING, Ping-Yu Hsu*, Yu-Wei Chang, Wen-Lung Shiau, (2019) How does online doctor-patient interaction affect online consultation and offline medical treatment? Industrial Management & Data Systems(SCI)

3. Chang, Yu-Wei, Ping-Yu Hsu, Wang, Y., & Chang, P. Y. (2019) Integration of online and offline health services: The role of doctor-patient online interaction. Patient education and counseling. (SSCI) (accept in april)

4. Hsu, P. Y., Lei, H. T., Huang, S. H., Liao, T. H., Lo, Y. C., & Lo, C. C. (2019). Effects of sentiment on recommendations in social network. Electronic Markets, 29(2) 253-262. (SSCI)

5. Cheng, Yun-Shan; hsu, ping yu*; Liu, Yu-Chin (2018) Identifying and Recommending User- Interested Attributes with Values, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(4) 765-781 (SCI)