#協宣大聲公 社會價值國際變革案例研究系列演講:「台新銀行公益慈善基金會個案研究─影響力資料的決策力量」
🔸 活動日期:📅 2023年10月18日(星期三)
🔸 活動時間:台灣時間 下午4:00-5:30 (英國夏令時間 上午9:00-10:30)
🔸 主講人:亞洲影響力衡量與管理研究總中心主任沈建文教授、台新銀行文化藝術基金會董事長鄭家鐘先生。
🔸 報名方式:
👉 SVI會員:免費報名,網址如下。
👉 非SVI會員:購票參加,票價10英鎊,報名網址如下。
Social Value Case Studies (The Power of Impact Data for Decision-Making)
📢 Social Value Case Studies
Taishin Charity Foundation Case Study: The Power of Impact Data for Decision-Making
18 October 2023|9:00-10:30 am (BST)
Director of the Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management (AIIMM) and Professor of Business Administration at National Central University (NCU), Dr. Chien-wen (Mark) Shen is scheduled to speak, alongside Simon Cheng, Chairman of the Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture, at the Taishin Charity Foundation Case Study: The Power of Impact Data for Decision-Making, taking place online on 18th October 2023 at 9-10:30 am (BST).
Within the session Dr. Chien-wen (Mark) Shen, SVI Level 3 advanced practitioner and Accredited Trainer and Simon Cheng, the Chairperson of the Taishin Charity Foundation, will share their experience of interpreting and using impact data to inform and improve management decisions.
Through sharing specific examples of how social value measurement and management has been applied, SVI hopes that attendees will be able to apply these learnings to their own organizations and over time, this will lead to increased #socialvalue and #IMM.
👉 SVI members can join for free! Register NOW: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcu2qrTwiEtLCn_wAnB1X9u5h5zEsqSfG?fbclid=IwAR09BR3db3UNtJmN5CR-Qk3UvUVhg1v-7G58uaKWFJ-GhmMxz-JN1uFTUaA#/registration
👉 For non-members, tickets are £10. Get your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/svi-case-study-taishin-charity-foundation-impact-data-for-decision-making-tickets-733406798477?aff=oddtdtcreator
Date and time
🗓️ Wed, 18 Oct 2023 16:00 – 17:30 CST
🌐 Online
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About this event
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- Mobile eTicket