Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management launches the inaugural issue of Asian Impact Management Review (AIMR)
ZHONGLI (Taiwan News): Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management held the Asian Impact Management Review Inaugural Press Conference at National Central University on December 10, 2022. The event attracted over a hundred participants. Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management announced today is the official launch of Asian Impact Management Review (AIMR) and its inaugural issue (FALL 2022) is now distributed online based on a subscription model.
The magazine is dedicated to the impact accounting field and features the latest trends in its development with a focus on the Asian market. The magazine will be released semiannually and targeted at academia and industry specialists in Asia. The inaugural issue focuses on the impact of Sustainable Development Goals and the regional report in Japan from impact field experts.
“Today, we are holding Asian Impact Management Review Inaugural issue press conference. Our school has been waiting for this day and preparing for this for a long time,” said Prof. Jen-Inn Chyi, Executive Vice President at National Central University.
“We formally established the Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management this year, and today we release our magazine, Asian Impact Management Review’s inaugural issue. We aimed to connect with internationally influential experts to conduct teaching and industry-university research in related fields and plan to establish an impact database in the Asian region. In the future, we will continue to conduct activities such as promotion, counseling, teaching, and research. We welcome all of you to support us and participate in our activities continuously,” said Prof. Ping-Yu Hsu, Dean of the School of Management at National Central University.
Prof. Chien-Wen Shen, Director of Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management at National Central University and Editor-in-Chief of Asian Impact Management Review gave a welcoming speech, “Today is the 7th Yunus Social Enterprise and Innovation Competition, but before the competition starts, we are holding a special part of the event, our Asian Impact Management Review Inaugural Press Conference. The Inaugural issue highlights the Impact Investing and Sustainable Development Goals and regional reports in Japan. Each issue will focus on a different Asian country report and discuss impact management from different perspectives. As we know, all companies focus only on maximizing profit and financial statements. If a company only cares about its interests, it may have an impact, but not necessarily positive; it may impact society and the environment in various ways. We must pay attention to the overall environment and society and evaluate the activity’s impact outcomes. They can be positive, negative, expected, or unexpected. CSR / ESG reports tell beautiful stories of how they contribute to SDGs and create an impact, but they do not count it. There are not many references available we can use to get more information on how to show a countable contribution to society and the environment, so there is an evident gap to fill. Relatively reliable methods of impact management lack Taiwan’s discussion. Therefore we want to create a knowledge platform for public policymakers, social entrepreneurs, CSR/ESG departments, the third sector, academia, and any individuals or organizations looking to make positive impacts while minimizing negative impacts in their social or environmental interventions. Our magazine is subscription-based, so if you are interested in reading the articles, we invite you to register an account on our website. The articles published are by invitation only. However, we will have a call for papers and articles in the future, so all of you may have a possibility to contribute and share your knowledge with the world. With the first issue, we also began the cooperation with the Pioneers Post, the independent news network for the global impact community from the UK, to broaden our readers’ knowledge even further and include an international perspective on impact management.”
The opening ceremony of Asian Impact Management Review finished with inviting all distinguished guests: Prof. Jen-Inn Chyi, Executive Vice President at National Central University; Prof. Ping-Yu Hsu, Dean of the School of Management at National Central University; Prof. Chien-Wen Shen, Director of Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management at National Central University and Editor-in-Chief of Asian Impact Management Review; Heich Wong, Publishing Editor of Asian Impact Management Review; Dr. Shang-Po Hsieh, Researcher of the Asian Institute for Impact Measurement and Management; Jia-Yuan Wu, Chairman of the Social Impact Institute of Taiwan; Yong-Quan Ke, Director of the Taiwan Regional Revitalization Foundation; Ting-Yueh Kang, Deputy Director of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research; and Tian-Mu Sun, Leader of Taiwan NPO Slef-Reguation Alliance, to the stage to take a group photo. Guests were holding small plants marked with the magazine’s abbreviation A, I, M, and R emphasizing sustainability and implying that the magazine will last for a long time and will keep making a positive impact.